
With over 185 billion websites out there, how can yours rank #1 on Google? The key is understanding SEO, Google AdWords and Google Analytics.

This course is your ultimate guide to generating more quality leads through Google and maximising business profit. 

It’s not just about generating traffic to your website, it’s about generating targeted and relevant traffic. Learn how to be easily found by your targeted audience through SEO and how to run a strategic Google AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign to get a high return on investment. 

Whether your budget is high or low, we’ll guide you through efficiently turning your PPC campaign into a profitable marketing move. From keyword analysis to writing compelling ad copies, strategizing to managing your budget, you’ll learn practical knowledge on how to maximise impact, rank high on Google, and attract and convert targeted leads.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lesson 1

    • Why is Google AdWords important in Dental Marketing – New Patient